University Policy 12050
Effective Date
May 2013
Last Revision Date
January 09, 2025
Responsible Party
Office of the Dean of Students, (208) 426-1527
Department of Public Safety, (208) 426-6911
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all Members of the University Community.
Additional Authority
- University Policy 1060 (Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment)
- University Policy 1065 (Sexual Harassment)
- University Policy 2020 (Student Code of Conduct
- University Policy 12020 (Exclusion from Campus)
- University Policy 12040 (Workplace Violence)
1. Policy Purpose
To establish a threat assessment team that assesses risk to Members of the University Community, provides mechanisms for reporting and mitigating behavioral incidents and safety concerns, and provides recommendations on how the University responds to potential safety risks to Members of the University Community and University Premises.
2. Policy Statement
Boise State University does not tolerate acts or threats of violence committed by or against Members of the University Community or on University Premises. The University promotes an environment where the health, safety, and well-being of all Members of the University Community are supported. Therefore, the CARE (Campus Assessment Resource and Education) Team, a University-based multidisciplinary intervention and response team, is responsible for coordinating existing resources to address and manage patterns and/or instances of distressing, disruptive, disturbing, or dangerous behavior.
The CARE Team is not a substitute for appropriate police or emergency involvement. Call 9-1-1 if there is a threat of imminent physical harm.
3. Definitions
3.1 CARE Alert
A public, online referral system that enables anyone to report behavioral concerns involving Members of the University Community.
3.2 Members of the University Community
University employees, students, affiliates, affiliate faculty, volunteers, contractors, vendors, customers, visitors, and participants in a University-sponsored program or activity.
3.3 Threatening Behavior
Intentional words, actions, or behaviors intended to cause a reasonable fear of injury or harm to a person, including oneself, or property.
3.4 University Premises
All land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or that is otherwise owned, used, leased, or controlled by the University.
4. Responsibilities and Procedures
4.1 Reporting
a. For an immediate or imminent threat, call 9-1-1 and then immediately report the threat by submitting an online CARE Alert.
b. For behavioral and safety concerns, immediately report such concerns by submitting an online CARE Alert.
c. Reports may be submitted anonymously. The university prohibits knowingly reporting false claims or information.
4.2 Composition
a. The CARE Team is chaired by the Senior Associate Dean of Students or designee(s). The Senior Associate Dean of Students determines the composition of the CARE Team.
b. The CARE Team is comprised of representatives from University departments who are appropriately trained and positioned to respond to behavioral issues or safety concerns.
4.3 CARE Team Responsibilities
a. Respond to CARE alerts about Members of the University Community who exhibit distressing, disruptive, disturbing, or dangerous behavior that may pose a threat to themselves or others.
b. Balance individual needs with the interests and resources of the University.
c. Conduct proactive assessment and intervention to mitigate acts of violence or self-harm.
d. Consult with Members of the University Community as needed to determine appropriate action to help manage behavioral issues and safety concerns.
e. Refer reports or incidents not requiring the CARE Team’s intervention to the appropriate University authority.
f. Develop and monitor case management plans and appropriate documentation.
g. Develop policies, protocols, and procedures to support the CARE Team’s functions.
h. Develop and implement education and outreach plans to ensure the University community is aware of the CARE Team and the reporting mechanism.
4.4 Threat Assessment
a. If information is provided to the CARE Team that presents a potential imminent health or safety concern(s) to the campus community, a threat assessment may be conducted.
b. A threat assessment is a comprehensive, fact-based risk assessment of an individual’s reported behavior.
c. The CARE Team works with appropriate University departments, law enforcement, and mental health agencies to expedite assessment and intervention.
d. The CARE Team may:
- Use the expertise and assistance of resources outside the University as needed,
- Contact any individual(s) with potential knowledge of the reported issue or concern, and
- Recommend the University take certain measures to mitigate the risk to the Members of the University Community and to University Premises.
4.5 Interim Actions
If a significant behavioral issue or safety concern is identified under this policy, the CARE Team members, based on their positional authority, may take immediate interim action such as exclusion from University Premises, suspension, placement on administrative leave, and other administrative sanctions.
4.6 Retaliation Prohibited
Retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, submits a CARE Alert, or any individual who is the subject of a CARE Alert, is prohibited. Retaliation may result in suspension, expulsion, and/or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment.
4.7 Confidentiality
The University understands the sensitivity of information submitted through the CARE system and makes efforts to respect the privacy of the reporting party as much as possible. Information related to threatening behavior is handled as discreetly as possible, with facts made available only to those who need to know. Disclosure of threatening behavior may be necessary to protect the health and safety of the University community or as required by law.
5. Related Information
Revision History
October 2019; January 09, 2025