University Policy 1055
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Effective Date
November 05, 2020
Last Revision Date
November 08, 2023
Responsible Party
Office of the President, (208) 426-1491
Office of Trademark, Licensing and Enforcement, (208) 426-1358
Scope and Audience
This policy applies to all students, University-recognized student organizations, employees, affiliates, visitors, and all University departments and units. This policy also applies to all University-owned, -leased, and/or University-controlled property and to all University-sponsored or -affiliated events.
This policy does not apply to property owned by the university but leased to other parties except for University-sponsored or -affiliated events held on those properties.
This policy does not describe the Alcoholic Beverage permitting process or apply to alcohol in the workplace. See University Policies 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting) and 7020 (Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy).
Additional Authority
- Idaho Code § 23-105 (Alcoholic Liquor Defined)
- Idaho Code § 23-1007 (Sales by Dealers and Wholesalers…)
- Idaho Code § 23-1336 (Wine Sold or Donated to Persons or Associations for Benevolent, Charitable or Public Purposes)
- Idaho State Board of Education Policy, Section I.J.2 (Use of Institutional Facilities and Services with Regard to the Private Sector)
- University Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting)
- University Policy 2020 (Student Code of Conduct)
- University Policy 7020 (Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace)
- University Policy 9180 (University Sponsorship)
1. Policy Purpose
To outline the permissible possession, consumption, sale, and service of Alcoholic Beverages on campus and at other University-sponsored or -affiliated events as provided in Idaho State Board of Education policy and to describe the restrictions and requirements for Sponsorship and Advertising by businesses that serve, provide, sell, market, manufacture, or distribute Alcoholic Beverages.
2. Policy Statement
The University recognizes that Alcoholic Beverages are legal commodities that may be used responsibly by persons of Legal Drinking Age. The University also recognizes that alcohol use may lead to significant individual and societal harm. This policy is intended to reduce alcohol-related harm while allowing for the legal, safe, and responsible possession, consumption, sale, and service of Alcoholic Beverages.
3. Definitions
3.1 Advertising
Any advertisement, signage, label, logo, packaging, imprint, sales promotion activity or device, public relations material or event, merchandising, or other activity or communication that has the obvious intent of promoting or marketing a non-University product, service, event, or organization.
3.2 Alcoholic Beverage
Any beverage containing alcoholic liquor as defined in Idaho Code § 23-105.
3.3 Legal Drinking Age
Twenty-one (21) years of age or older when a person is legally allowed to purchase or consume Alcoholic Beverages in the State of Idaho.
3.4 Permitted Event
An event that has received an Alcohol Beverage Permit under University Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting).
3.5 Sponsorship
A relationship with an entity where that entity provides money, goods and/or services to the university through a school, college, department, unit, or student organization and in return, the entity receives a contractual monetized acknowledgement or other quid pro quo benefit of the Sponsorship via television or radio broadcasts, signage, tickets, programs, other print material, or the internet. Sponsorship differs from the corporate charitable gift support generated by University Advancement, which is generally provided without expectation of quid pro quo benefit.
4. Possession, Consumption, Sale, and Service of Alcoholic Beverages
The possession, consumption, sale, and service of Alcoholic Beverages on University property and at University-sponsored or -affiliated events is subject to permission by the University President as outlined in Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting) and this policy. Sponsorship or Advertising by businesses that serve, provide, sell, market, manufacture, or distribute Alcoholic Beverages is also regulated by this policy.
4.1 Student Organization Events
Events hosted by student organizations are subject to several requirements, including requirements related to alcohol. Guidelines are available on the Student Involvement and Leadership Center website or by contacting the Student Involvement and Leadership staff.
4.2 University Residential Facilities
The University allows the possession and consumption of Alcoholic Beverages by persons of Legal Drinking Age within the living quarters of residential facilities owned, leased, or operated by the University. For more details see the Housing and Residence Life Community Standards, Controlled Substances policy.
4.3 Permitted Events
Except as described in Section 4.2 (University Residential Facilities) above and Section 4.4 (Private Tailgating) below, Alcoholic Beverages may only be served, sold, and consumed at events on University property, excluding classroom settings, and at University-sponsored or affiliated events, when prior approval is secured following the process and requirements of University Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting). Permitted Events require, among other requirements, that food and non-Alcoholic Beverages also be served, and that Alcoholic Beverages must be served by a University approved contractor.
4.3.1 Concerts
Alcoholic Beverages may be served, sold, and consumed at concerts if served with food and non-Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic Beverages must be served by the food and beverage service provider for the permitted event following the process and requirements described in University Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting).
4.3.2 Conferences, Weddings, or Other Events
Alcoholic Beverages may be served, sold, and consumed at conferences, weddings, and other events on campus, if permitted, following the process and requirements described in University Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting). Event guidelines are available on the University Event Services website.
4.3.3 Athletic Events
Alcoholic Beverages may be served by the University at NCAA-sanctioned events if permitted and there is no reentry allowed. This means that once a patron enters the event, they may not leave and reenter the event. The alcohol service must stop at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled ending of the NCAA-sanctioned event. The University reserves the right to cease serving Alcoholic Beverages at any time.
4.4 Private Tailgating
a. Specific parking lots and areas of campus are designated by the University as tailgate areas for home football games and other events hosted by the University such as conference and bowl games, concerts, etc.
b. Alcoholic Beverages are allowed at tailgate functions. A tailgate function can either be a University Permitted Event as described in Section 4.3 above and subject to the requirements of Policy 1050 (Alcohol Beverage Permitting) or a private tailgate function subject to the following requirements:
- Alcoholic Beverages may not be sold, nor may Alcoholic Beverages be served by a licensed vendor, at a private tailgate function.
- Alcoholic Beverages may only be brought into a private tailgate function by tailgaters for personal use by themselves and fellow attendees of the private tailgate.
- Tailgaters must abide by all local and state regulations governing alcohol usage including, but not limited to prohibitions on minors possessing or consuming Alcoholic Beverages and public intoxication.
- Alcohol consumption in tailgating areas is limited to the same day of the applicable game or other event.
- Alcoholic Beverages must be held in an opaque container that is not labeled or branded by an alcohol manufacturer or distributor.
- Alcohol may not be taken from the designated tailgate area into any other area.
- Advertising Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited.
- All tailgaters must comply with University rules and regulations and signage posted in the tailgating areas.
- No University funds may be used for any activity related to a private tailgate function.
4.5 Research Studies
Alcoholic Beverages may be served and consumed as part of research studies if the study adheres to all applicable University policies, standards, oversight, or rules and is approved in writing in advance by the university’s Office of Research Compliance.
5. Sponsorship and Advertising
Sponsorship from and Advertising by businesses that serve, provide, sell, market, manufacture, or distribute Alcoholic Beverages are subject to the provisions of this policy. Sponsorship and Advertising are at the sole discretion of the university. The primary audience must be of Legal Drinking Age. Sponsorship must not adversely affect the university’s reputation.
5.1 Authorization
a. Alcohol-related Sponsorship and Advertising for athletic events or facilities must first be reviewed and approved by the Office of Trademark, Licensing and Enforcement.
b. All other alcohol-related Sponsorship and Advertising must first be reviewed by University Sponsorship and the Office of Trademark, Licensing and Enforcement.
c. The Student Involvement and Leadership Center team must review the display or distribution of promotional materials by University-registered student organizations, and the Campus Recreation management must review the distribution of materials by intramural or club sport teams.
d. Final approval for all alcohol-related Sponsorship and Advertising is subject to approval by the President or designee.
5.2 Sponsorship
Commercial partnerships with businesses that serve, provide, sell, market, manufacture, or distribute Alcoholic Beverages must be approved by the President, or designee, in advance of any publication pursuant to University Policy 9180 (University Sponsorships).
5.3 Advertising
a. Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages on campus or at any other University-owned, -leased, and/or University-controlled property is further limited to responsible drinking campaigns.
b. Advertising must encourage the responsible and legal use of the products represented. At a minimum, a statement similar to “This Company supports the legal and responsible use of this product” must appear in all Advertising (see University Policy 10000 – University Brand Standards).
5.4 Co-branded Alcohol Beverages
a. The university may pursue a licensed drink with an Alcoholic Beverage company. All products must be approved by the President, or designee, and the Office of Trademark, Licensing and Enforcement.
b. The Office of Trademark, Licensing and Enforcement will serve as lead in pursuing any co-branded beverages.
6. Education, Support Groups, and Services for Alcohol-Related Problems
The university provides educational services to faculty, staff, and students about alcohol-related issues. Faculty, staff, and students may receive assistance from the following University programs:
- Student Health Center: Health Education Program (students only)
- Counseling Assistance and Referral Service – CARS (faculty and staff only)
- Employee Wellness (faculty and staff only)
7. Related Information
Alcohol Beverage Permit Application
An individual or group wishing to provide alcohol at an event must work with a Chartwells catering associate who will facilitate the completion and submission of the Alcohol Beverage Permit application.
(208) 426-1677
Housing and Residence Life Community Standards – Controlled Substance Policy
Student Organization Hosted Event Guidelines
Student Involvement and Leadership Center website
University Event Services Guidelines
Revision History
February 06, 2023; November 08, 2023