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Policy Development Authority (Policy 1000)

University Policy 1000

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Effective Date

July 1978

Last Revision Date

March 04, 2024

Responsible Party

Office of Institutional Compliance and Ethics, (208) 426-1258

Scope and Audience

This policy applies to all University and college/school or department-level policies.

1. Policy Purpose

To establish the procedures and line of authority through which policies are established and approved, and to ensure consistency in the development, modification, and presentation of University policies.

2. Policy Statement

Boise State University is governed by federal and state laws, rules, and regulations and Idaho State Board of Education rules and policies. The University must adopt policies to direct and guide the operations of the University when such state and federal laws, rules, and regulations or Idaho State Board of Education rules and policies require, or when they do not provide specific guidance, procedures, or directives necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the University.

3. Definitions

3.1 University Policy

A policy that mandates actions with broad application throughout the University community, or to a major component of the University.

3.2 Policy Originator

Person or group of persons with a new or amended University Policy proposal.

3.3 Minor Amendment

Any change to an existing University Policy that is limited to a clerical or grammatical change or correction that does not change the intent, scope, application, or meaning of the policy.

4. Authority and Responsibilities

a. All University Policies fall within a greater hierarchy of laws, statutes, and rules. University Policies are subject to compliance with laws and regulations instituted by higher governing authorities as follows:

  • Federal laws and regulations
  • State laws and administrative rules
  • Idaho State Board of Education policies and procedures
  • University Policies and procedures

b. The President, or designee, has ultimate responsibility for University policies and the University’s policy procedures. The Policy Group is responsible for reviewing and recommending approval of University policies by the President, or designee. The Policy Group consists of the following members, or their designee:

  • Chief Financial and Operating Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations
  • Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
  • Vice President for Research and Economic Development
  • Vice President for University Advancement
  • Chief of Staff

5. University Policy Development or Revision

a. A person or group with a new policy proposal or policy revision must work with the unit administrator responsible for the subject area of the proposed policy to draft the new policy proposal or revision and facilitate appropriate consideration by campus associations or groups.

b. All new policy proposals and policy revisions, other than Minor Amendments, should be provided to appropriate campus associations, groups, or individuals for review, dependent on subject matter and impact. In the interest of shared governance, campus associations and groups may include, but are not limited to: the Faculty Senate, the Association of Classified Employees, the Professional Staff Association, Deans’ Council, Education Council (associate deans), the Academic Leadership Council, and the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU).

c. Policy matters that are academic in nature or that govern faculty appointment, tenure, and promotion, or any other educational policy matter as set forth in Article III of the Faculty Senate Constitution, must be reviewed by the Faculty Senate.

d. The policy originator and unit administrator are responsible to provide for, and document the development and review process, with guidance and/or assistance from the Policy Office. Suggestions and concerns identified in the development and review process that are not incorporated into the policy should be recorded on the cover sheet, along with an explanation as to why they were not included.

e. A draft of the new policy proposal or revision must be forwarded to the Policy Office for review. The Policy Office will review the draft ensuring the policy is in the proper format and a broad review was completed.

f. Final drafts will be submitted to the appropriate vice president, or designee, for final review before the policy is presented to the Policy Group.

g. Minor Amendments may be approved by the appropriate vice president, or designee, and communicated to the Policy Office.

h. Notwithstanding the above requirements, the President reserves the right to adopt, amend, or suspend a policy without prior notice and comment, or upon abbreviated comment, as is deemed necessary.

6. Policy Creation, Revision, or Suspension to Comply with Changes in Governing Law, Regulation, or Policy

a. In the event that the President, Chief Compliance Officer, or designee, determines the University needs to comply immediately with federal, state, or local law or regulation, the President, Chief Compliance Officer, or designee, may approve a new University Policy for adoption, or an existing University Policy for amendment or suspension without following the procedures described in this policy, provided the new policy, policy revision, or policy suspension is limited solely to the purpose of complying with a change in governing law, regulation, or policy. Policy matters that govern faculty appointment, tenure, and promotion, or any other educational policy matter as set forth in Article III of the Faculty Senate Constitution, may not be changed using the process under this section but instead must either go through the full process outlined in other sections of this policy, or section 7 in the case of an urgent policy adoption for the purpose of complying with a mandated audit or external agency requirement, including accreditor requirements.

b. In the case of either adopting, amending, or suspending a University Policy for compliance purposes, the President, or designee, will communicate such approval or suspension and its rationale to the appropriate campus associations and groups as appropriate. The compliance-related policy approval, amendment, or suspension will then be communicated to the broader campus community. 

7. Interim University Policies

a. On occasion, circumstances require the urgent adoption of a policy because it is mandated by an audit or external agency requirement, but the campus community also has a degree of discretion in how the policy is written. In such cases, the required urgent adoption timeframe may not allow for a complete review by campus associations and stakeholders. In this circumstance, the President, in consultation with University subject matter experts, may approve a University Policy on an interim basis solely for the purpose of complying with a mandated audit or external agency requirement. The interim status of the policy will be noted on the University Policy website.

b. The President, or designee, will inform the applicable campus associations, groups, and broader campus community as soon as feasible when such a policy is adopted. In the event that members of a campus association or group want to challenge the interim policy, such associations or groups must follow the voting procedures for the entire association as outlined in their constitution and/or bylaws. If the majority vote of the association approves to challenge the adoption of the interim policy, notification of such decision, along with the reason for the challenge and any proposed solutions, will be provided to the President. The President will subsequently consider the challenge and communicate a final decision on the matter to the campus association president(s).

c. Interim policies may be enacted for no longer than six (6) months; however, if the campus associations or groups are unable to complete a full policy review in this timeframe, the interim policy may be renewed for up to an additional six (6) months.

d. An interim University policy should not be maintained on an interim basis for longer than twelve (12) months in total duration. 

e. The interim policy must go through the full policy process to be made permanent. Interim status must only be used for the reasons outlined in this section and cannot be used to circumvent the full policy process.

8. College/School or Department-Level Policies and Procedures

a. A college/school or department may implement a college/school or department-level policy or procedure provided the policy or procedure is consistent with, and does not conflict with any University Policy. College/school or department-level policies or procedures should avoid reiterating University policies and should instead reference relevant University policies, if applicable. Any college/school or department-level policy or procedure that is inconsistent with, or conflicts with a University policy is void. 

b. Any college/school or department-level policy that implicates state or federal law(s) must be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel, and/or the Chief Compliance Officer. Questions about whether a college/school or department-level policy or procedure should be reviewed may be directed to the Policy Office.

9. Procedures

a. The University Policy Office maintains all official University Policies. Persons or groups wishing to propose a new policy, or revise an existing University policy, must initiate the process through the Policy Office by obtaining an official copy of the current policy, or in the case of a new policy, notifying the Policy Office of the intent to draft.

b. The Policy Office will provide guidance on the process as necessary, and provide policy originators with the policy cover sheet, which is required to be completed and submitted with any policy proposal.

c. Once a new policy or revised policy is approved by the President, the policy is posted on the University’s Policy website and communicated to the campus community through the Office of Communications and Marketing. The policy is effective the date it is posted to the University’s Policy website.

Policy Cover Sheet

Policy Writing Guidance

University Policy Template

Revision History

July 1995; September 2008; December 2019; September 14, 2022; March 04, 2024

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