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IRB Guidance

IRB Guidance serves a repository for guidelines, frequently asked questions, and definitions about the IRB, human subjects research, and associated regulations.  If you can’t find what you are looking for, just ask

IRB Guidelines


Computer/Internet-Based Research

Computer/Internet-Based Research provides guidance about protecting participants when storing data on computers and conducting research on the web.


Deception/Debriefing is guidance for the use of deception in research and debriefing requirements.

Definitions of “Human Subjects” and “Research”

Definitions of “Human Subjects” and “Research” steps through the definitions of “human subjects” “research” to assist in identifying if IRB review may be needed for a project.

Focus Groups

Focus Groups is guidance for the use of focus groups to obtain data.

International Research

International Research is guidance on conducting research outside the United States.

Instructor’s Guide to Class Assignments

Instructor’s Guide to Class Assignments assists instructors in determining when class projects meet the definition of research with human subjects and require IRB review.  Also includes basic guidelines on standard practices to use in class projects involving interaction with individuals, even if it is not under IRB purview.

Informed Consent Process

Informed Consent Process Guidelines for the different items to consider during the consent process.

Investigator Responsibilities

Investigator Responsibilities Guidelines outline investigator and key personnel responsibilities.


Modifications outlines how to make changes to your protocol application once it has been approved.

NIH-Defined Clinical Trials

NIH-Defined Clinical Trials Guidelines outlines the National Institutes of Health (NIH) definition of a clinical trial and additional requirements.

Normal Educational Practice

Normal Educational Practice Guideline discusses educational research which may or may not qualify for review under the exempt criteria.


OHRP provides a brief introduction to the Federal office that oversees research with human participants.

Oral Histories

Oral Histories Guidelines utilizes a few scenarios and examples to help distinguish when oral histories may be deemed human subject research requiring IRB review

Pilot Studies

Pilot Studies provides guidance for investigators collecting data to determine a studies feasibility or refine processes or data and IRB review requirements.

Principal Investigator Eligibility

Principal Investigator Eligibility outlines the qualifications to be a Principal Investigator on an IRB protocol application along with some important exceptions.

Recruitment and Advertising

Recruitment and Advertising  provides guidance for recruitment and advertising, including a recruitment flyer template.

Renewal Process

Renewal Process summarizes how to renew your protocol application.

Revised Common Rule

Revised Common Rule highlights changes the Common Rule that may impact Boise State.

Snowball Sampling Recruitment Methods

Snowball Sampling Recruitment Methods discusses how the recruitment method may be approved by the IRB under some circumstances.  These guidelines include the IRB recommended safeguards if a snowball recruitment method is to be used and sample recruitment letter.

Social & Behavioral vs. Biomedical

Social & Behavioral vs. Biomedical provides guidance on which IRB should review a protocol application based upon the research activities.

Types of Review

Types of Review describes the three types of IRB review (exempt, expedited, and full board).

Using University Students in Research

Using University Students in Research provides guidance for investigators using Boise State students who are or have been enrolled in one of the classes they are teaching.  Guidance includes information about curriculum and non-curriculum research, consent and FERPA.

Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable Populations provides guidance on research with human subjects that are considered vulnerable.

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