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Brand Standards

When we come together to share a consistent brand message and align with a unified strategy, it has a powerful impact on how people perceive the Boise State brand.


Our work as marketing and communications professionals plays a vital role in the university’s brand identity.

About Brand Standards

Boise State brand standards have been carefully developed to assist all of our campus partners to develop branded communications and marketing that consistently live up to the expectations of our audiences everywhere.

The standards shared here are a blueprint to help refine and extend what a Blue Turf Thinking mindset at Boise State truly means.

By using a cohesive, foundational narrative and a consistent style with graphics and design elements – our work helps to elevate the university brand.

Have questions? Email us at

Tools for Success

The Basics

Trademarks and Licensing

Purchasing promo items, licensing information and more


Templates, downloads, training and more

Creating Content

Write like a pro

Email Standards

Guidelines for your marketing emails

Website Strategy


Brand Committee

The brand committee is made up of Boise State University design and marketing experts who are well-versed in the university brand. The group meets monthly to review designs, campaigns and other projects, as well as establish, update, and enforce the Boise State brand standards according to University policy 10000.

Contact the committee at any time. Tell us about your ideas. With an endorsement from the brand committee, you can confidently proceed with your marketing and promotions knowing you have the strength of the entire university brand behind you.

Email the Brand Committee